Ipswich Clubbells

Ipswich Kettlebells also manages Ipswich Clubbells which exists to bring club training to our own lifters and others keen to learn this fitness skill . We love how working with wooden clubs and metal clubbells complements kettlebell training, and offer Level 1 and 2 workshops on request:

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Level 1 Clubs Workshop

This is what Leah said about our recent workshop: “Had an amazing time at the workshop its a brilliant skill to have and I’ve been using it to warm up every training session since. And on another note I have noticed the pain I get in my shoulders and elbows has decreased significantly since using them, I’m so glad I did it :D”

The workshop lasts four hours. We only have limited availability, so contact us to get a date booked if you want to learn this skill.

Level 2 Clubs Workshop

Level 1 Clubbells Workshop

Combined Clubs Training Day

Ipswich Clubbells

level 1 workshop

Interested in bringing this training to your club? Please contact us for details.

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