Training isn’t really about turning up at a class once or twice a week, it’s about what’s going on inside your head, what MAKES you turn up to exercise, and how much discipline you will apply to that.
Being disciplined, you need to do something towards your goals every day, or nearly every day. That doesn’t mean you can’t rest: rest is crucial too. Rest might mean one or two days off a week, or one week off in six. You need a schedule, and a workable one at that! Only you will know how you want to approach this: you might plan in 3, 6 or more sessions a week, but whichever you plan for, if it fails you’ll need to work out what went wrong, and adapt your schedule.
Training is not comfortable or easy (as Alex of Bodyquest Kettlebell Gym puts it, if it’s comfortable, that’s called a warm-up!). It’s not a pick ‘n mix: you can’t just choose the moves you’re good at. You need to work on the tough nuts to crack. Training is not static: you must build progression into your programme. Training shouldn’t be seasonal: for consistent results you need consistent application
Training is constructive, provides new challenges for body and mind, requires commitment and decisions. When any other part of your life is in turmoil, your physical and mental preparation for exercise can provide the discipline you need to move forward. Right now, I am looking to the next three months of training to see me through what will probably be a raw winter of recovery and frustrating movement retrieval: I’ll tell you in February how that’s worked.