If you already serious about kettlebell lifting and maybe have the Scottish Open as your next goal, perhaps you haven’t seriously considered Pentathlon as an event for you. After all, the sets are “only” six minutes long, and the lifts are “only” single hand. I understand the viewpoint, but I would urge you to think again – although this is a competition accessible to anyone who knows the five lifts, in fact it is a gruelling event where you pit yourself against your personal best, as much as vie for the Overall Winner trophy. The YouTube videos of Ivan Denisov completing the Pentathlon show this really clearly, since this world champion wrings the sweat out of his T shirt at the end of his set. No lesser workout, then.
Valery Fedorenko created the Pentathlon to open up Kettlebell Sport to more people, so it’s an ideal opportunity to welcome new lifters, but it’s no lesser occasion for experienced athletes.
The five lifts are
Clean; Clean & Press; Jerk; Half Snatch; Push Press
To complete all five exercises to the best of your ability, with the optimum weight you can lift, under competition conditions,and all in less than an hour, it’s really not for the faint hearted. If you want more information about the Pentathlon, visit
Last Sunday Alex Grimmer and I hosted the first Kettlebell Pentathlon (UK) in Essex, and we were delighted that our event attracted a wide variety of lifters. We had a number of lifters attending and participating in their first competitive event. Alongside them were lifters with years of experience, From Brighton Girevoy we welcomed Rooth Smethurst, the group from Bodyquest Kettlebell Gym included Tony Stapleton, Jane Maddern, Ewan Hendon, and Karradene Aird. Sue Hufton was the sole representative from Ipswich, however the team for March is looking substantial. Not everyone who participated was from a team or a club. All were extremely welcome, and helped to make it an awesome and unforgettable day. It was great to see new and old members of the Kettlebell Sport community networking, and promising to meet up at the next event in 2013.
So, I am laying down my gauntlet to Brighton, Manchester and other Girevoy clubs. Come to our Spring Competition Sunday 3rd March 2013, bring a team, and let’s make it an event to further cement the Kettlebell Sport community in the UK.