Fedorenko on…competitions

Last week I caught up with Valery Fedorenko, and we got talking about competitions. Now known as the World’s Ambassador to Kettlebells, Valery Fedorenko was born in the Soviet Republic of Kyrgyzstan, and began kettlebell lifting at the age of Continue reading

Talking to European Girevoys (4)

  This week I have been talking to Gireviks – coaches, experienced athletes and novices – about their year with Kettlebells. I was keen to see some different perspectives on the competitions and training opportunities in 2012, and hear about Continue reading

Valery Fedorenko on…Coaches

When we are looking for advice or professional assistance in any area of life, it is customary to seek out an expert, someone with proven experience in the field. It has surprised me, then, how readily students will part with Continue reading


Standards are how we define ourselves.. If we want to be known for high standards, we have to adhere to our own sternest principles, even when that displeases others seeking ratification. I have been watching footage of kettlebell meets, interested Continue reading