Fedorenko on…Motivation
Last night, I caught up with the big guy just as he’d returned from a 3 hour walk. I teased him about this, as it wasn’t in his programme for recovery. But no, it wasn’t like that, he said, this Continue reading
Last night, I caught up with the big guy just as he’d returned from a 3 hour walk. I teased him about this, as it wasn’t in his programme for recovery. But no, it wasn’t like that, he said, this Continue reading
So, the other evening I was talking to Coach Fedorenko, and we got onto the subject of judging. It’s a big subject, and I can’t hope to cover all the big guy’s thoughts in this one blog. He has plenty Continue reading
Yesterday I was talking to Valery Fedorenko: we were actually discussing my own training programme for the next Pentathlon in March, and we got onto the subject of advice for kettlebell lifters (novices and experienced alike) training for pentathlon. First Continue reading
Standards are how we define ourselves.. If we want to be known for high standards, we have to adhere to our own sternest principles, even when that displeases others seeking ratification. I have been watching footage of kettlebell meets, interested Continue reading
I have been a bit dumb on the question of knocking out the reps. I have been trying to get my weaker (numb) arm to perform the same number of reps as my stronger (only partly numb) arm, and although Continue reading